2022- Consultant, Psydata Oy
2022- Talent Scientist, Canonical Ltd.
2021-2022 Education Manager, University of Turku / Turku Brain and Mind Center
2019-2021 Consultant, psychologist, MPS Career Oy
4/2016-2019 Doctoral researcher, University of Turku, Department of Psychology
12/2015-3/2016 Research assistant, University of Turku, Department of Psychology
1/2015-6/2015 Neuropsychologist (intern), Turku University Hospital / VSSHP
2011-2014 Substitute teacher in psychology (part-time), Kupittaa High school & Kerttuli High school / City of Turku
2021 MSc, AI & data-analytics, University of Turku
2020 PhD, Psychology, University of Turku
2015 MA, Psychology, University of Turku
2013 BA, Psychology, University of Turku
2008 Finnish Matriculation Examination
Academic CV
Olkoniemi, Hurme & Railo (2023) Neurologically healthy humans’ ability to make saccades toward unseen targets
Neuroscience, 513, 111-125 [Full text]
Hurme & Railo (2022) Promise and challenges for discovering transcranial magnetic stimulation induced “numbsense”—Commentary on Ro & Koenig (2021), Consciousness and Cognition, 98, 103265 [Full text]
Koivisto, Leino, Pekkarinen, Karttunen, Railo & Hurme (2021) TMS-induced blindsight of orientation is degraded conscious vision. Neuroscience, 475, 206-279 [Full text]
Railo & Hurme (2021) Is the primary visual cortex necessary for blindsight-like behavior? Review of transcranial magnetic stimulation studies in neurologically healthy individuals. Neurosci Biobehav Rev, 127, 353-364 [Full text]
Hurme, Koivisto, Henriksson & Railo (2020) Neuronavigated TMS of early visual cortex eliminates unconscious processing of chromatic stimuli. Neuropsychologia 136, 107266 [Full text]
Hurme, Koivisto, Revonsuo & Railo (2019) V1 activity during feedforward and early feedback processing is necessary for both conscious and unconscious motion perception. NeuroImage, 185, 313-321 [Full text]
Hurme, Koivisto, Revonsuo & Railo (2017) Early processing in primary visual cortex is necessary for conscious and unconscious vision while late processing is necessary only for conscious vision in neurologically healthy humans, NeuroImage. 150, 230-238 [Full text]
Koivisto, Grassini, Hurme, Salminen-Vaparanta, Railo, Vorobyev, Tallus, Paavilainen & Revonsuo (2017) TMS-EEG reveals hemispheric asymmetries in top-down influences of posterior intraparietal cortex on behavior and visual event-related potentials, Neuropsychologia. 107, 94-101 [Full text]
University of Turku
2021-2022 Human Neuroscience Master’s Thesis Seminar 1
2021-2022 Human Neuroscience Master’s Thesis Seminar 2
2021-2022 Human Neuroscience Master’s Thesis Seminar 3
2021-2022 Human Neuroscience Symposium
2021-2022 Human Neuroscience Research Project
2021-2022 Invitation to Neuroscience
Assistant teacher / lecturer
2019-2020 Cognitive neuroscience
2018-2020 Statistical methods for experimental research
2018-2019 Effect Sizes, Confidence Intervals, and Meta-Analysis
2017 Psychometrics
2017 Introduction to statistical methods
2018-2020 Cognitive neuroscience
2018-2019 Introduction to cognitive psychology and neuropsychology
2018-2019 Neuropsychology
High schools
2014 Substitute teacher in psychology / Kerttuli high school
2011-2012 Substitute teacher in psychology, philosophy and religious education / Kupittaa high school